First, call us at 613-766-7670 or send us an email, we can help immediately or we'll call you back when it's convenient.
Describe your problem and let us know how we can help - then once we're on the line just click the button below to activate our "On line Rescue Service" Once we're chatting we'll give you a number to enter and ...
A small file will download into your browser - you'll be asked some security questions by your computer - That's to make sure we're legit - then we'll be able to see your screen and share control of your mouse. Nothing will remain on your computer after we say Goodbye and close out!
We accept Visa and Mastercard
ON LINE Support
We'll give you a 6 digit code once we're on the line click below to enter
Our promise - the INFORMATION you need, ORGANIZED and ACCESSIBLE Work From ANYWHERE Experts Integrity • Experience • Excellence •Since 2002 Kingston Ontario Canada
Contact Us Phone 613-766-7670 Kingston ON Canada
Contact Us Phone 613-966-7700 / 888-262-5130 Kingston ON Canada